What are Reflective Sleeves on Sign Posts?
Commonly known as a post reflector, these 3" wide strips bring extra attention to school signs for added safety. Reflective sleeves are .080 panels of aluminum covered with reflective sheeting that attach to sign posts. According to the MUTCD, the reflective sleeve must be at least two inches in width and be placed the full length of the post from the sign to within two feet above the edge of the roadway. The color of the reflective sleeve must match the background color of the sign. Reflective sleeves are available in all MUTCD sign colors, including yellow and fluorescent yellow-green.
What is the Benefit of Reflective Sleeves on Sign Posts?
Reflective sleeves enhance the visibility of traffic signs by converting the sign post area into a reflective surface. This is especially beneficial at night and during low light conditions. With respect to schools, reflective sleeves can help alert drivers to school zone speed limit signs and crosswalk warning signs, thereby, increasing the safety of students who walk and bike to school.